'Prophecy' Tagged Posts

'Prophecy' Tagged Posts

Heed the Warning…

Greetings Lighthouse Inc., Church Family, Please see a prophetic word from an anonymous author. Blessings,Pastor/Evangelist Barbara Lynch Thursday, December 16, 2021 at (3:47am) Watch the movement of the 1st Nation… significant for what is about to take place. Stand & watch the deliverance of the 1st Nation. For my power will extend to the ends of the earth… No one, I…

Profecía – 10 de Diciembre de 2021

Profecía por medio Rev. Astrid Sherriff Manténgase cerca de mí, como nunca, escuche mi voz apacible de instrucciones todos los días. Mis promesas y oraciones han sido respondidas por mis remanentes que se han sacrificado y pagan el precio todos los días por más de mí. Alábame con todo tu corazón y sé fiel en todo lo que haces. Solo alábenme y adorenme, la cosecha está…

Profecía – 18 de Noviembre de 2021

Profecía por medio Rev. Astrid Sherriff En mi amor las cosas son posibles. El amor conquista áreas en tu vida. Mi amor es todo lo que quiero derramar este día, ven a mí y déjame llenarte con mi amor ágape. Mis manos están esperando que te llenes para siempre y lleves este amor a la cosecha. Mi gloria se derramará a través de esta tierra, y digo que muchos sabrán que el…

Fresh Word – November 13, 2021

By Evangelist Barbara Lynch The wind is blowing My Glory all across the land. Get in position little ones and allow the wind to pick up your sails and bring you into the very center of the mighty works that has already begun. Peace entitles you to flow in the Glory. Acceptance of every assignment places you in the circle of My Glory. Stay strong and move with My wind into…

Fresh Word – November 11, 2021

By Evangelist Barbara Lynch Wherever you go, there is light. If you do not go, the darkness will remain. I have called you forth as bright lights to dispel all darkness, not just a spot here and a spot there. It is time to be unleashed into the darkness that has overtaken the world. Children, Be a light in a dark gloomy world. Let your light shine forth and compel the…

Overflow Words – June 20, 2021

Prophecies that occurred during the Sunday evening teaching Holy Spirit Moved 6-20-2021 Sun PM I’m just hearing God say, There’s a level of My Glory that you have not yet touched; and He wants us to touch that level of His Glory tonight. God is saying Children, all of hell trembles as you sit in My Presence. All of hell sits up and takes notice. All of hell gets on alert…

Overflow Words – April 21, 2021

Prophecies that occurred during the Wednesday Evening teaching entitled “Miracles” Word #1 Children, you must understand that the more that you are seeking miracles, the more the enemy is going to fight you to make you believe there is no such thing as My miracle working power. So I am advising you this night to adjust the way you think about miracles. I want…