Posts from January 2021 (Page 4)

Posts from January 2021 (Page 4)

Overflow Words – January 17, 2021 (#2)

Prophecy that occurred during the Sunday evening Worship Service Willing and Obedient Word #1 The joy of the Lord is your strength. My children, the joy of the Lord is your strength, Take My hand right now. Receive My joy. Let it sink deep into your spirit. This joy will see you through the next two weeks. Much chaos and tribulation will be all over the land, but as you…

Fresh Word – January 17, 2021 (#3)

Prophetic word from the Sunday evening teaching Willing and Obedient Children you are in the realm of living where there can be no more nonsense in your lives or the lives of those around about you.  You are living in the reality world and the reality world is taking the place of the Heavenly Kingdom. I have spoken to My prophets and they have warned the peoples, but…

Fresh Word – January 17, 2021 (#2)

Prophetic word from the Sunday morning teaching Lean Not to Your Own Understanding My children how many ways can I say – {lean not to your own understanding?} You need to totally lean upon Me at this given time of total chaos upon the land. Do you really know why this dark chaos is prevailing at such a time as this?  Do you totally understand that it has to be this…

Overflow Words – January 17, 2021

Prophecy that occurred during the Sunday morning Worship Service Lean not to Your Own Understanding Satan is wreaking havoc like never before because he knows his time is short. My people get so disgruntled and they get discouraged and instead of walking forward they go backward into a heap and then the enemy has them caught in the snare once again. Children you have to…

Fresh Word – January 17, 2021

Father, I am not doubting, but I would like some information on what is transpiring at this given time. Daughter the grand slaughter is about to take place.  Just as the enemy thought he destroyed his enemy when My Son Jesus was crucified, he also thinks he has won this round.  But the round is not over until the final bell rings. Stand back and watch how I draw…

Fresh Word – January 15, 2021

Since when am I the God of the impossible?  I have never been the God of the impossible and I never will be the God of the impossible. I have spoken and so shall it be.  I have proclaimed liberty to those who are Mine and walk close to the Cross.  The Blood of My Son Jesus brings liberty every place it is spoken.  Never once in My Word do you read where I lied or…

Fresh Word – January 14, 2021

When all else fails – PRAY- pray without ceasing little ones and watch My Glory fill the earth once again.  There is no mountain so tall that I cannot tunnel through.  I am a miracle working Father and I am working another miracle for all to witness in the next few short days.  All is not lost as some suppose; for I have been working behind the scenes for…

Fresh Word – January 14, 2021

When all else fails – PRAY- pray without ceasing little ones and watch My Glory fill the earth once again.  There is no mountain so tall that I cannot tunnel through.  I am a miracle working Father and I am working another miracle for all to witness in the next few short days.  All is not lost as some suppose; for I have been working behind the scenes for…