Posts from July 2021 (Page 3)

Posts from July 2021 (Page 3)

Fresh Word – July 14, 2021

A little rain must fall into your life now and then.  Why?  To remind you that you are not all-sufficient and that you need Me.  Children, I know a torrential downpour has been going on for quite some time now, but I have been in these storms with you.  I have been your covering, and I have been your sufficiency.  My Word promises that I will always be there. Does it not…

Fresh Word – July 13, 2021

Dominate! The word for the day is dominate. My little ones, I want you to stay in control at all times. I have given you all you need to dominate the land around you. You never need to give in to the wiles of the evil one. He is finished in your life. He can no longer steal, kill nor destroy. The hour is late, and the victory has been won; now we need to bring in the…

Fresh Word – July 11, 2021

If everyone who is called by My name spreads the Love of Christ wherever they go, there will be a canopy of Love all across this land so strong that no power of darkness can penetrate it. This Love Canopy would cover the earth and block out the enemy’s attempts to destroy My Kingdom that is here on earth.  My children can forge this canopy of 24/7 protection. …

Fresh Word – July 10, 2021

Move over!  That is what My church should be saying to the enemy Move over-you are finished! You are finished harassing the Body of Christ.  You are finished causing conflict in my life. You are finished causing havoc in my family.  We are sick and tired of you and your lies that never end. This is the land of Brave.  We are God’s brave ones, and we…

Fresh Word – July 9, 2021

President Donald J Trump will take back the Oval Office, and you will see much upheaval all across the land.  The enemy will be walking high tide, and he will be furious.  He will not quit; he will continue until the church shows him they will not stop.  Just as My Son Jesus did in his hour of temptations. All My church should be on full alert for the wiles…

Fresh Word – July 7, 2021

In the few short days ahead, the enemy will come in like a flood to try and take you off course.  Always remember that your feet are on the rock, and nothing the enemy throws at you can take them off that rock.  I have given you all the weapons of warfare that you will need to fight off all the wiles of the evil one. STAND FIRM! Isaiah 59:19 19 So shall they…