August 15, 2006

August 15, 2006

To: Evangelist Barbara Lynch

August 15, 2006; 3: 00 pm

On August 15 at 3:00 pm in the morning God gave me a vision of great confusion on the earth. People were running to and fro in great panic and they did not know what to do. God told me to go and bring peace to the people and give them instructions on what to do next. (End of vision.)

Then two days later He gave me this word:

August 17, 2006; 1: 39 pm

The Countdown to Armageddon has begun. There will not only be wars and rumors of wars, but also there will be outbreaks of war all over (this) land. You will soon see the enemy come upon American soil. The last trump has been blown and all out war has begun. Nation against nation! Peoples against peoples! All over this land bloodshed. Disaster after disaster. BUT in the midst of it all I will show My Glory through out this land. You are right on, My people need to be NOW people, because I am not in the future and I am not in the past. I am in the (RIGHT NOW) time of My timetable.

Be prepared for one of the biggest onslaughts of the enemy against the church that has ever occurred. The enemy is raging and he will stop at nothing to bring My churches down to total destruction. But know in your heart of hearts that I am now and always will be in full and total control of all things.

Take up the sword and advance. Do not stand still and allow the enemy to plow you over church, but advance forward and I will be with you, just as I was with Joshua.

Full blast church, go forward full blast, no holds barred. This is the time of the greatest conquest for the church, even though the enemy he does rage.

Then two days later Our Father told me to read Lamentations.

I humbly submit this to you, it is not to frighten the people, but to warn them of what is to come.

God has spoken to me and said the watchmen must be on the wall to hear his voice for the people.