Marriage Tidbits (Page 4)

Marriage Tidbits (Page 4)

The Simple Things

This is a month of Mother’s Day, blooming flowers, and soon to be brides are finalizing their wedding plans for their “June” weddings. With the recent crisis with the virus, it may seem that these things are going to be hard to celebrate. Maybe with the virus they are unable to visit their mothers that are in the hospital or nursing home, or visit with them at home. For…

Idolatry in Marriage Part 2

(continued from Anything you put before God is idolatry. When you focus on one thing that overrides anything else that He is telling you to do or you agreed to do and all else suffers from your lack of attention in those areas, you have entered into idolatry. The enemy knows where our weak…

Idolatry in a Marriage Part 1

Idolatry can be a tricky thing to see if you are guilty of. When most people think of idolatry, they think of an object or an obsession that takes top priority over everything else. Yes, these things are true, but there is so much more to it than this. Not very often is it talked about idolatry in a marriage in the sense of putting your husband’s or wife’s opinion and…

Close the Door to the Little Foxes

How we are really opening the door to the devil in our marriages and how to get them closed? During this time of the pandemic is very important to understand that there are doors that we could be entertaining to open to the devil without realizing that it is a door that we are leaving wide open. Our marriage is our vineyard. We have delicate grapes that needs tending to…

Springing Into Restoration In Your Marriage

Spring time is upon us. I would like to challenge you to ponder on the following and reflect on your marriage. When you first met your spouse, a seed of interest was planted. With that seed of interest, you dated and got to know one another. You prepared the soil with conversation and thoughts of the other person. You dwell on all the good attributes of that person…

What To Do To Seek Forgiveness From Spouse

The last 2 articles we have been talking about breaking the Barriers in Marriage and the 3 Steps to Breaking the Barriers. Because forgiveness is the key ingredient to breaking the barriers, let’s take a deeper look in this article about seeking forgiveness and dealing with if the forgiveness isn’t accept from the spouse. Just because you are ready to break down the…

Different Ways to Show Your Love

Happy Valentine’s Day Valentine’s Day is upon us once again. The day that many people spend more time thinking and planning to do a little something special for their spouse or loved one. Being a follower of Christ we have been called to walk in Love at all times. Love has many different languages and ways that we can show this love. In the busyness of everyday…

3 Steps of Barrier Breaking

Have you noticed that there are issues in your marriage and that you seem to keep hitting a brick wall? One of the biggest obstacles in marriage is not being able to admit or see the blockage and that barrier could be within you. Once you have realized you have a barrier in your marriage, the next steps are to get the barrier broken and dismantle the structure of pain…