Special Words (Page 39)

Special Words (Page 39)

Special Word – Nov 1, 2016

I weep over My people because they do not trust Me. They search and search for answers that I have already given them, but they reject them. They do not believe Me. They go in circles over and over again of emotions and getting nowhere. Tears are streaming down My face because they do not really love Me. So much I have just sitting here waiting, but they will not go…

Special Word – Panic Will Kill

Children, the panic that you allow yourselves to succumb to, why are you caught up in this? Let it go! This is indeed poison for you. This is spiritual poison. When you have no answers for yourself this is indeed the perfect timing for you to be in; the timing to abandon yourself and your understandings and come to me. When you reach a state of panic, rejoice! You led…

Special Word – Throw Your Blanket

What is it that which causes you to throw my blanket of peace off of you? What is it that which has you pondering the cares of the world; caught up in the “what ifs” and the “I wishes” What, My children? What? Do you really want Me to be kept out of your lives? Do you really want to be the one who orchestrates your life? Children I can be the orchestrator. I already have…

Marriage Seminar Message

Good Morning Saints. If you did not come out for the first night of the marriage seminar, you missed one of the most wonderful, informative presentations I have ever set under. Rev. Brett and Rev. Nancy did such a wonderful presentation about what marriage is all about {spiritually}; the ins and outs of what to do and what not to do in a marriage; and they wove their…

Special Word – Rifles

Do you see? Do you know what is at stake? Do you realize that there is a calling in every one of my children; a calling that has hell in absolute panic. A calling that has “Hell crusher” written over all of My children that walks in it. Each calling that I have given My beloved children is the prefect calling for each of them. My plans are perfect my children. My plans…

Special Word – Love

Children if you KNEW That My Love…MY LOVE is the cure for what ails. If you knew that My Love is here….do you want it? Do you want Me? Do you have ME in you? Children My LOVE is ME! Get in Me; get your love; get filled with Me; allow My love to rush through you. Do not let your mind take this opportunity. Your mind is in conflict with My Spirit, It cannot…

Sweet Victory

Sweet victory! It will be yours, and you know what children? It is yours; it is already for you in heaven. Do your part. As a child of the most high God, all you have to do is agree with it. Agree with what is in heaven, and it shall be brought down to earth. I have my angels- your helpers, your greatest allies waiting to bring heaven’s bounty to earth. This year My…

Special Word – Oct 19, 2016

Silence! There is a silence, a spot, a place with-inside all of my children. This silence was made for Me to be heard in. I put this spot in you. This empty nest; this was made for Me, This was made for Me to dwell within you. This spot is from where all good things come. MY thoughts…put right in there for you to get; MY words….put right there for you to hear.…

Special Word – Oct 17, 2016

Who am I to my people? They do not know me. MY heart is a foreigner to them They do not believe Me. Why are they ashamed of Me? Why are they afraid to fall into My depths? What will become of those who do not know Me? Lost and abandoned, but I say I did not abandon them, they abandoned Me. I sat at their bedside night after night They were mine Now they are…

October 16, 2016 -Special Word

My children Why is your focus upon yourselves? Woe is me-Woe is me is the cries that is piercing My ears. But where is the call out for the lost and dying – for your brother – for your enemies? I carry life and victory but you walk around in a vision of death and defeat. You must see that I am all you need and rise up above yourselves and see the far greater picture. It…