Fresh Word – August 29, 2021

Fresh Word – August 29, 2021

From this point on, I will be moving in My unprecedented power, and all will know I am in total control of all that is going on in the world.  There is no way the enemy can stop My plans for this nation. I have called all of Heaven to attention, and I have given orders to proceed forward and accomplish what I have laid out

All need to understand that what is transpiring this day is what was pre-planned years ago. The enemy could not stop it then, and he has no authority to stop it now. I’ve already chosen the very elite to go forth on all sides and conquer.

I am still draining the swamp, and I will not stop until it’s totally cleansed of all unrighteousness.  I need a HOLY atmosphere to bring My Glory into total fruition. I have been teaching holiness. I have been teaching righteousness. I am preparing the way for the second coming of My Son Jesus. I cannot have a polluted Body Of Believers. The stigma from the swamp has poured out over My people, and now I must also cleanse nations. All know that when you walk in a muddy field, your feet become unclean and polluted. It’s the dirt in the mire. The same is true in life; you wallow in the mud, and you become tainted. You must, therefore, at all costs, keep yourself pure and holy as I am Holy, and step forth in newness of life, and know that I am in complete control of all that concerns you in the world around about you.

Now is the time to look up and know your salvation is before you. No one having put his hand to the plow and looks back is worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Luke 9:62 (NKJV) But Jesus said to him, “No one, having put his hand to the plow, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.” 

Is your hand still on the plow? Or are you looking back? Only you know that answer? How is it that the enemy was able to sway you and pull you out of your proper place in My Kingdom?