Fresh Word – July 23, 2019

Fresh Word – July 23, 2019

There will be an Eclipse in My Body that will far surpass any Eclipse you have witnessed in the natural. My Body of True Believers are going to bring in the light that will dispel all darkness. I am bringing My Light Bearers forth to do battle with the darkness and these Light Bearers will do a mighty, swift complete works for all the world to witness.

My Body of True Believers have been sifted and sifted and sifted until all that was not of Me was totally removed from their beings and now they are ready to be true Light Bearers that will destroy the darkness on all sides.

Watch for this Spiritual Eclipse; for it is coming forth with such momentum that it will stun the entire church world. This manifestation is going to shock many in the churches that have been denying the true power and authority of the SON.

I spoke about the Fourth of July fireworks and now it is ready to begin. Watch for the display little ones, for it is something the church nor the world has ever seen before.

1) To cause an eclipse of (the sun or moon); to make (something) less important or popular.
2) To do or be much better than (someone or something).

Just as the scientific eclipse covers the sun and causes darkness; The Spiritual Eclipse will cover the darkness and bring forth the light.