Fresh Word – November 1, 2020 (#4)

Fresh Word – November 1, 2020 (#4)

Prophetic word from the Sunday evening service Birthing Time

My children you are impregnated with My destinies for your life.  Right now, you are having labor pains and soon the baby will be birthed.  You have been waiting a long time for this miracle to happen and happen it shall.

The miracles will be seen all over the world and I have endued you with power from on high to birth the miracles in this season of your life.  Your heart has been crying out to Me and your eyes have been upon Me and you have been watching and waiting for the miraculous to occur.

Birthing time has come upon you little ones. The heavens will be emptied out as the miracles come forth. 

Not one single saint will carry all of the miracles.

The miraculous will fall upon the multitudes and My message of salvation shall be carried to the furthest corners of this land.

Those who are tried and true will carry the {greatest anointing} for the miraculous.  You have paid the supreme price and you shall be honored above others.  Do not allow that to become an opportunity for you to walk in pride and self exaltation.  Freely you have received, freely give out to others.

Children the Holy Spirit never goes on vacation. Therefore, He is with you continually and He abides deep within your vessel of honor.  Call upon Him at all times.  Allow Him to lead guide and direct you in all the ways you should go. Never for one instance lean to your own understanding.  Call upon the name of Jesus and watch and see what occurs in your life. 

You see – the God head mightily – is with you {always.}  the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, was given to you when My Son Jesus went away. My Son tells you about this event in My Word. 

You need to take My Word and devour it so that the enemy cannot steal, kill, and destroy any longer.  All that is going to be accomplished in and through you will be by My Holy Spirit

Some say I do not need the Holy Spirit – well then, you will not do any works for the Kingdom of Heaven. 

Some say there is no Holy Spirit – that is fine, don’t look for any signs, wonders, and miracles to occur.

Why do you not abolish all your foolish thinking and just become like a little child and simply believe My Word and follow Me?

Children I truly do stand at the door and knock.  I knock and I knock and I knock. 

As I am standing, I am waiting for you to respond.

Still to this day there are those in the sound of My voice that have not yielded 100% to My knocking.  What are you waiting for?  Does not My Word tell you the door will close and you will not be able to enter in?

The apocalypse is upon you and I am uncovering hidden mysteries in the Heavenly realm.  Only the {wise} will be able to enter into this knowledge that I am releasing to My people.

I am still calling you into the Third Heaven.

I am still calling for you to sit at My feet and receive fresh revelation knowledge of what is going on in the church and world.

I {already} called you to the marriage supper of the lamb – {if} you responded, there is now a deeper learning of the Kingdom that I so desire to take you into.

{You ask} why can’t I travel to Heaven like others?  {God’s reply back to you}

1} Have you been standing by My side continually asking Me to cleanse you from all unrighteousness?

2} Have you done away with wrong attitudes?

3} Have you cemented your feet in the sure foundation of unadulterated love?

{These} are all requirements to receive the deeper truths of the Heavenly realm.

I have had you in school for quite some time now and you have graduated from {different} degrees of knowledge; but this is the final step into {total graduation} of all that Heaven holds.

The price has been steep; but the end result is worth it all.  Watching souls come into My Kingdom will be worth all that you sacrificed to get to this {Graduation Ceremony of the Century.}

This graduation ceremony carries My Shekinah Glory.  You will be endued with power from on high like never before.  You, yourself will be a sign and a wonder for Me.

Come to the greatest graduation ceremony of all times and receive your mantle of Glory!