Fresh Word – November 28, 2021

Fresh Word – November 28, 2021

Thanksgiving is past and now we move forward to Christmas. But before Christmas arrives, there is a works that has to begin. The works of bringing in the harvest of lost souls. We cannot put this off any longer. (The appointed time is here), and I have the Remnant all prepared to go forth with their gifts in full operation.

            My plan is all set-in motion. The angelic host are at their posts to assist wherever assistance is required. Do not believe for one instance that you will go awry, for My Angelic Host will make sure everything is being carried out as planned in Heaven.

Children you have gifts and skills that you have not dipped into as of yet. I promise this will be a harvest like none other. The church has not seen the likes of this harvest. I know I have spoken these same words over and over again in the past; but NOW is the time for all I have spoken to come to pass. Keep your faith high. Sharpen your prophetic voice. Be ready to move in season and out of season. Move forward with conviction and accomplish what I place your hands and feet to accomplish.

“How long, O Lord?” is the cry of those who have had to wait on the Lord. In Psalm 13:1 David says, “How long, Lord? Will you forget me forever? How long will you hide your face from me?” Again, in Psalm 35:17, he cries, “Lord, how long will you look on? Rescue me from their ravages; rescue my precious life from the young lions.”

God determines how long you wait in His waiting room. God determines the times.

God promised Abraham that he would have a seed, and he waited in God’s waiting room twenty-five years. God appoints the times. Jacob had to wait fourteen years to marry Rachel. God appoints the times. Joseph languished in prison for three years for a crime he didn’t commit. Why? Because God appoints the times in which you languish and wait in His waiting room. Moses spent forty years on the backside of the desert, outside of Egypt because God appoints the times. Like Jonah was in the belly of the fish, Jesus was in the grave three days and three nights because God appoints the times. The days and times for Jonah in the service of God were not through.