Fresh Word – October 24, 2017

Fresh Word – October 24, 2017

If every one of My children who are called by My name would humble themselves and pray, the heavens would no longer be brass. I would open every window and door and pour out blessing upon blessing upon blessing. But, the big {if} keeps those doors and windows closed and I am unable to bless abundantly like I so desire to do.

The ghosts are still in the closets and My people keep opening up those closet doors and looking at the past and desiring the leeks and the garlics instead of the bright future I have laid out before them.

I have a chosen generation, that will and have humbled themselves; but there are so many more that could be receiving an abundance of harvest at this given time. They are walking in self-deception and will in no way admit to their own lostness in this dispensation of time.

The only thing I can do is move on. Move on to the lost and dying world and bring them into the house of the Lord. Just as the Jews would not accept Me and I went to the Gentiles; I am now going into the lost and devastated world and I am bringing them into the House to be ministered to.