Give Your Broken Heart – February 9, 2019

Give Your Broken Heart – February 9, 2019

Now is not the time to give into rebellion. This is the time to come running into My Everlasting Loving arms and see that it is where you are safe, where you can be built up, and healed.

There is so much wounding taking place, but in Me you can find the healing that man does not have the answer to.

Man has tried for years to heal a broken heart and has not succeeded. Man has only succeeded in hiding the symptoms of a broken heart from some sort of substance. But I do not give you a substance but a remedy and the Truth.

Do not go to man for answers but go to My Son. Let My Son in. Let My Son really in your heart and watch how all the pieces will come together. You may be surprised just what your heart will look like once it is all over.

I want you heart today. Run into My Arms and do not ever leave. Run to Me My children and let Me heal the broken heart.