Great Changes – May 11, 2018

Great Changes – May 11, 2018

This is the time of great favor and of multiple blessings that is about to take place in unimaginable ways. Do not allow the enemy to slate you or to discourage you in anyway.

Do not take your eyes off of Me. Do not look to the right nor to the left. Keep your eyes and ears in tuned to what I have spoken and am showing you each and every day as the learning process continues.

Look beyond the picture of the enemy and see the truth that I have set before you. You will see that I am lining things up in perfect order and that I am multitasking and bring a finish to many things that I have started.

I am ready to begin new things with My chosen and faithful servants. Do not let the things that are your weakness hold you back but see that I am using this time to work them out as you are cooperative in what I am doing in your life.

Do not be intimated by the enemy but rejoice in the breaking process because as the breaking takes place – new form can then begin.

Arise in confidence that I am on the scene and many things are about to take place in your life.

The question is are you ready to receive and able to handle what I am about to do? Answer this question with the willingness to each and every day take a step in obedience to what I am asking you to do – one day at a time.