Information on Covid, from Sis. Elizabeth Cassutto

Information on Covid, from Sis. Elizabeth Cassutto

Below is information that may be helpful, because Truth can no longer be silenced and cancelled – this is the Lord’s hour.

For the last year, I’ve been sending emails, you tube clips, studies from the American front line doctors ( on the topic of Covid.
I was aghast when I read articles from the top virologists, epidemiologists, scientists, doctors, researchers who have PROVED (their patients lived!), that hydroxychlorquine, Ivermectin and budesonide [on the market for five decades, with little or no side effects] – these safe, inexpensive drugs – tested drugs work.  BUT truth-teller Docs were de-platformed, censured, lost their jobs for speaking truth. They were silenced, fired and censored for speaking up and for showing the facts. They did it humbly too.

* Even the “former” VP of Pfizer (Pfizer is now the top Covid maker) and the top Dr./Researcher in Holland and UK, both said (all of it was on YouTube until they took it down) that “The Covid injections” are unproven and dangerous. {You can go to Daystar TV to see the medical facts in Doctor’s words}. A real vaccine is in test trials for years. My late husband was a researcher (in the military & veterinary pharmaceuticals). He was well versed in the FDA protocols, test trials, and as a practicing Veterinarian as well –  he knew the FDA process well. A drug company couldn’t even get a animal prescription medication (or a baby aspirin) on the pharmacy shelves without rigorous safety trials. Because  drug companies don’t wanna get sued (that’s called “liability”).  But do you know the FDA, Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, and Moderna are shielded (Fauci holds the patents) from ALL liability with this “Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) drug- EUA. That’s how they got it out so quick). If you or your loved one – gets sick – has after-effects, or dies – they are not held liable. With the Covid jab – they have no responsibility for what happens to you. That’s why you have to sign a waiver form when you get the shot. This has never happened before in animal or human drug trials or testing; no short, or long term rigorous trial studies before released to the masses.

I remember a few decades ago when Tylenol had to be pulled off US shelves – arsenic or some contaminate resulted in over 50 some deaths – if I recall correctly. [USA was importing our meds – many made in China by the way – crazy, huh. We were paying  communist China to make our medicines — Can anyone spell c-r-a-z-y?]. Big pharma had to shell out some serious monies in liabilities to patients families. Yet- this ‘Covid jab’ injection has over 12,000 “Known” reported deaths in the UK alone and many Vaccine-Adverse Event-Reactions symptoms (VAERS), yet there is NO liability to pharma. Its “get the jab at your own risk”. Yes – millions got the shot- and Thank God – many did not have noticeable reactions. That had to be God’s sovereign hand of mercy- He goes before us. Praise Him.  Yet –  there were many thousands who had severe vaccine reactions ranging from palsy to worse (VAERS). Doctors have to weigh the “risk-to-benefit” scenario – and so do patients. We also need to check with the Lord first. These are unusual days.

It’s our bodies, our God-given life. To me – the “risks” of my God given immune system being forever possibly ‘altered’ by an unknown agent (not a “proven & trial tested”  therapeutic vaccine as are normal vaccines) being in my system is a risk I’m not willing to take with this jab. But that’s my choice. You have to make your own decision. The good Doctors think – many already have antibodies working in their immune system – thought they’d had a cold or flu last year but actually they had had Covid, unbeknownst to them. That’s natural antibodies (our immune system) at work.  “Herd” immunity which occurs in nature (colds, flu) every year anyway. And don’t forget – WE PRAY. We have the Bible and prayer through Him! Our best defense is faith in Lord. 

I take Vitamin D, Zinc, Vitamin C, (Quercitin boosts your immune system too) – in every store. The American Frontline Docs – many are Christians. Docs recommend keeping your immune system strong. Their website ( has much info.: Vitamins, how to get hydroxy, Ivermectin if diagnosed with Covid etc. &

I’m wary of all the VAERS. FDA, Fauci, Big Pharma, Tech, mainstream news intentionally withheld tons of reported data showing safety issues with the Covid jab.  I used to review/proofread some of my late spouses’ medical publications.  The FDA would’ve pulled animal meds off the shelf for far less than what is going on today with humans as the live guinea pigs for this un-tested drug. The facts are black & white.

I’ve been telling everyone I know that you can go to: or. Org – for the  concise info on this. DAYSTAR CHRISTIAN TV will give you the info you need – World & USA top Docs, such as Dr. Barrett, Dr. Tenpenny, Dr. Simone Gold, Dr. Del Bigtree, and more and all the American Frontline Doctors ( and all the medical science, proof is there. They testified before Congress in 2020 with medical cases – they were shut-down by Big Tech & Big Pharma. 

Daystar just wanted people to be aware, make your own choice, but know the facts. Because social media has cancelled the truth. There is an agenda to propagandize and brainwash humanity – and we must not fall prey to the lies and spirit of manipulation of the hour. As the Word says ‘study, to show yourself approved’. The facts are overwhelming. Children have less than 0.0001% of getting Covid or dying from this and they are injecting healthy ‘babies’ and children with this experimental Mirna junk.  Yuk. We must say NO 🚫 to darkness & yes to God. Yes to Jesus – Yes to life in all forms.        We are our brothers’ keeper. Let’s Look out for one another in the spirit of love. – Shalom – Elizabeth ✝️. ✡  🙏  ✴  🐑