January 30, 2007

January 30, 2007

To: Evangelist Barbara Lynch

Date: January 30, 2007; 3:10 am


As you sit in my presence, you will feel the warmth of My hand and you will feel the wind of My breath upon you. You will know that this is the season of great triumph for My body. As you flow in My spirit, you will experience the move of the supernatural and you will know that I am all around about you at every given moment. My touch is a special touch and a touch like no other. Those who have experienced this touch are never the same. I am touching My chosen ones in a new way. I am coming forth in all My glory and power at this given season and the world will never be the same.

Much is transpiring in this nation and much more is about to transpire. I am moving in unprecedented ways across this nation. Nation shall rise against nation, but My plan of salvation will not be stopped. All those who have believed in My name shall not be ashamed, for I will bring My glory to rest upon them and they shall know that I Am Lord of the harvest and I have truly come upon the scene in an unprecedented way. My ways are not your ways and believe me; all will soon learn this truth.

As nation rises against nation, My glory shall become stronger and stronger, for I am bringing My glory without measure and all things are becoming possible. The tower of Babel is nothing in comparison to what I am about to do across this nation. It has always been line upon line and it will always be line upon line. My chosen generation will finally rise up and take their rightful place among the nations and go forth with great signs wonders and miracles following them. No more little I’s and no more big I’s. Just one body with one mind doing the work of their Father in heaven.

Take notice of what I have already done around about you and then magnify that a thousand times and you will get just a small glimpse of what I am about to do.

Strike up the band, church and start marching, for I am on the move and this time I will not stop. Go forth in complete Glory and know that I am with you all the way. This is My time and this is My season and the enemy has no say so. What I have spoken shall surely come to pass. The laborers are being sent forth into the harvest field and the great harvest is being reaped at this given season. No more, church, no more will the enemy stop the flood gates of heaven. I have spoken and so shall it be.