Jesus Delivers Man from Sexual Bondage

Jesus Delivers Man from Sexual Bondage

Jesus Delivers Man from Sexual Bondage, Reveals Hidden Memories To Unlock Healing!

Greetings Lighthouse members,

What a powerful testimony we have this week! There have been quite a few cases of people seeking deliverance and exorcism from out of state, some have come even as far as the Pacific Coast to sit under the anointing that is here at The Lighthouse, and we received a phone call from a man in New Jersey the other day who was in desperate need of deliverance.

He has sought out healing and deliverance from various ministries, and they have helped to an extent alleviating some of his bondage and oppression – yet some deep things still plagued him.

He discovered The Lighthouse initially at a Jay Bartlett meeting in Baltimore, as we had attended his public meetings and introduced ourselves as fellow deliverance ministers eager to glean from Pastor Bartlett’s teaching. The months following this public meeting, he searched out Lighthouse on the Internet and came across the website and began to study the teachings and read the daily Words as well as the deliverance blogs and found his hope for freedom.

We immediately set him up for an appointment and when he showed up, God delivered him from many deep rooted ancestral witchcraft spirits. Curses plagued this man, and as we led him through repentance and forgiveness, the Holy Spirit and the Blood of Jesus began to break every curse spoken and placed over his life.

The enemy has tried to physically kill him – as he explained to us some years ago he felt something touch his back with what felt like two fingers poking him; immediately he began to sweat profusely and grow weak while having severe chest pains… he was having a real, literal heart attack. The doctors stopped the heart attack and put a splint in his heart and he recovered well – but what a needless suffering due to the hand of the enemy!

We rebuked the spirit of death sent against him through witchcraft, commanded it to release his heart and other internal organs in his body. One of the greatest revelations was the generational iniquity of his father’s bloodline being passed down into him. Spirits of promiscuity and lust, perversion, etc. littered his soul. These spirits and undefeated sins were making their way to destroy his marriage and his family and attempt to disqualify him from reaching his destiny in Christ.

Throughout his session, the Holy Spirit was bringing up many memories which were buried beneath the surface… evil spirits erected amnesic barriers around the mind to cause him to “sweep under the carpet” and forget those traumatic events and moments of pain, in order to secure and hide the demons from being revealed or at least to keep the door open to come back in once cast out.

As these memories surfaced, pain arose within him yet we encouraged him to relive those moments and begin to process those feelings as an adult with the help of Jesus and the Holy Spirit. We ministered to some broken heart pieces and released them into Jesus’ arms for healing and restoration – and once forgiveness had taken place, the peace of God washed in and cleansed the inner parts of his heart. Now, with nothing to hold onto and nothing to hide behind, the demonic spirits were enraged and came up to the surface but were no match for God’s mighty anointing as they were commanded to depart from him into the pit.

When we asked questions about his struggle with lusts and perversion, he told us that he has been that way as long as he can remember. His bondage was so great that demons came to him at night and sexually tormented him. Every night he could physically feel the bed move as though some type of creature was walking on the bed, making indentation marks on the blankets and cause the bed to shift and sink – and he would feel the being enter into his body and the entire experience was quite uncomfortable. He would have dreams of large black beings wrapped around him in bed, smothering him.

Suddenly, a memory came to the forefront of his mind by influence of the Holy Spirit. He remembered a particularly strange event in which very close, trusted individuals in his life did strange and peculiar things to him and his sibling as a very young boy, post-toddler stage. The strangeness of the incident, and awkwardness, the uncertainty and slight feeling of shame flooded into his soul as he recalled and relived the events. These very close and trusted individuals in his life had violated him sexually, trying to cover it up as a medical procedure. It was revealed that these acts were in fact demonically driven and inspired, and demons had entered him at this young age and began to steer the direction of his life from this moment on.

We ministered to that heart part, and God healed each time the abuse occurred, and as forgiveness took place the peace of God flushed in and all the toxic emotions came out of him, followed by very deeply rooted and powerful demons of lust, perversion, pornography and promiscuity along with several other variants of the same function. The spirits were livid and furious, because the true root and open door was discovered and dealt with – and they knew they had no hope to return through the same avenue in his life.

This man was set free in a major way – and God removed many bondage’s off of him that day. However, there are always deeper layers and other issues that need to be addressed in further sessions. I was personally proud of this man – he takes self deliverance seriously, and the Holy Spirit has been teaching him ways to cast out demons which I thought was interesting.

He was very happy with what God had done for him, and we plan to continue these works together and see him to total freedom in Christ!
Blessings in Christ,
Rev. Brett Connell
Lighthouse Inc. Church Deliverance Team