Let Go of Those Who Do Not Want Me – August 28, 2018

Let Go of Those Who Do Not Want Me – August 28, 2018

There is a war in the heavenlies. My angelic host is fighting on your behalf. They are fighting for the lost and the souls that you hold before Me. Give Me your battles. Give me all those things that weigh you down. I want you to be free to do My kingdom work.  I want you to be the ones that I use to bring heaven to earth.

Do not walk in despair and distraught over things that have not taken place yet, but to see that I am lining all things up to what I have said would happen. Do you trust Me?

If you trust Me then focus on working for My kingdom and leave the rest to Me. I have said there will be devastation. I have said there will be a great falling away. I have said that My Son is coming again. I said that blessing upon blessing is going to take place. Have I not said that the greater signs, miracles, and wonders will take place? Why do you believe the bad but hesitate on the good?

All I am asking you to do in this hour is to be obedient to what I have instructed you and leave the rest to Me. It is not your job to change the people. It is not your job to get them saved. It is not your job to walk out their walks. It is only your job to give them the opportunity to receive. It is only your job to give out what I have given you. It is only your job to love and continue to love no matter what decision they make and to know when to hold on and when to let go.

You cannot force a person to serve Me. My children, you do know what it is like for Me to watch so many souls reject Me. You do not know what it is like to watch so many souls choose to stay bound. You do not know what it is like to watch soul after soul go to hell. Oh how I would love to make the choices for them, but what kind of God would I be if I was to force them to do these things?

This is the time and the hour that I will be asking you to wash your hands of those who just will not change. They will only hold back My kingdom’s work. Please let go and let Me be God. I will give them every chance until there is no more room for another chance. You are just going to have to trust Me when I said enough is enough. I do not take any pleasure in this hour to see those make up their mind that they do not want Me. Oh how I weep over them. However, there is so much at stake here and you must understand this.

Please let go and let Me be God. Do not be held back and miss out on what I am going to bring to pass. Do not walk in anything that would cause you to feel guilty or condemnation on other’s actions. It is between them and Me.

Put your focus and trust in Me and just watch what I will do. Stay ever so close to Me and let Me move in your life. Allow hope to rise and the blessings fall. Believe You are My children and there is nothing that is too impossible for Me – Your Father.