Non-Stop Jesus Experiences And The Call To Love

Non-Stop Jesus Experiences And The Call To Love

Non-Stop Jesus Experiences and the Call to Love!

Greetings Lighthouse members,

Today there has been many up’s and down’s but through it all Jesus has prevailed in His love. This afternoon we had a session with Melody, a woman who’s heart has been totally shredded by the enemy of her soul. Many lies of the enemy have been implanted within her mind to cause a great and terrible bondage.

We ministered to Melody through the Holy Spirit in an attempt to expose her to the genuine true love of Christ – but so many mindsets and layers of lies has prevented Melody from truly receiving the love of God.

We tried to address the demonic spirits within Melody that have control over her mind and emotions, taking great strides to preserve her fragile heart while separating the demonic from her soul. Upon various attempts to exorcise the demons, her fragmented mind would not allow the spirits to surface to be dealt with.

As we took a last desperate measure to set this soul free, by explaining the severity of the bondage she was in – and that demons literally have her mind captive at that moment and she must allow us permission to perform the exorcism, she could not at this point receive what God was trying to do with her.

Unfortunately, Melody had decided that now was not the time for the freedom in which God had offered to her. Saints, sometimes people are not ready for deliverance and exorcism. We must hold them up in prayer, love them, encourage them and lead them in the right direction. God knows the perfect time when they will be open and willing to receive. We must leave this alone, in God’s sovereign hands, and allow Him to love His children back to the Kingdom.

Following Melody, we worked with a man who had been suffering with perversions and pornography. He was shamed by his bondage, wondering why he was still enveloped within this dark repetitive cycle. But God proved faithful once again, as He always does, and revealed to John the very root of his bondage.

God revealed that his lusts and perversions stemmed from a self-hatred. The enemy has used his vessel to defile himself and reprogram his brain to desire perverse lusts and defame the gifts God had given and provided.

As God back-tracked in John’s life, it was discovered that this root of self hatred started with masturbation – and that came from a wound of being a failure by losing a game to someone he was in competition with.

“In Catholic school, we were taught masturbation was evil and a sin. I thought to myself, “well, losers would masturbate because they are no good… and when I lost that game and felt defeated, I was a loser… so I punished myself by masturbating aggressively like losers would do.” The twisted lie of the enemy caused him to do something that he would begin to enjoy and pursue – and the resulting condemnation and shame would prove him to be a “loser” and this had grown into full blown self-hatred and perversion.

God healed the soul wounds and the roots of the pain and brought much light and understanding to why these attacks have prevailed against him. God took the spirits of self-hatred and lust, and began to build a new foundation in his self-image and identity which was marred and destroyed by the enemy.

John can now see himself as a loving, God-created being that is filled with Christ and the love of God. This empty void was a barrier between him and God for the longest time – and watching the freedom in John’s face as God’s love could penetrate into the deeper layers of his soul was priceless.

At the end of the day, (3AM here for us) we received a phone call about a desperate man sitting in his car outside the parking lot of a mall in town – ready to commit suicide. We (as a church) all came together in the love of Christ and ministered to this man and his brokenness. His lifestyle of drug usage had left him broke, feeling helpless and totally condemned and he wanted to end it all.

My friends, Jesus alone is responsible for the anointing and ministering power that reached his soul through all of us, and his willingness to receive it brought him freedom through deliverance over the telephone right there in his car.

Edward felt the presence of God in his car, as God removed soul invaders from the dope man out of his being, out of his mind and soul. Many soul ties were cut, influences and burdens were removed and the Holy angels removed the demonic spirits of witchcraft and mind control that bound him as a slave to the dope man.

Edward felt empowered after the Holy Spirit led prayer and deliverance – real tears came out of his eyes in the car as he wept before Jesus. “I have not cried real tears for months, even though I cried out to God to take this from me. But now I am crying real tears down my face and I know God is here taking this from me!”

Brothers and sisters, we must be ever ready to answer the Call of Love for Christ and His chosen ones. Be instant in season and out of season, and serve with humility. Jesus Christ our Lord has moved in such a powerful and mighty way today – we are honored that He would even use our vessels to do such a thing. We are humbled by the awesome power of God and we give JESUS all the glory! Our Savior, who can destroy every stronghold and raise the dead from the grave is alive and well!

In Christ,
Rev. Brett Connell
Lighthouse Inc. Church Deliverance Team