Overflow Words – February 21, 2021 (#2)

Overflow Words – February 21, 2021 (#2)

Prophecies that occurred during the Sunday evening teaching His Mercy Endures Forever

Word #1

Don’t let the devil make you believe that God won’t talk to you if you mess up because He will. He’s just waiting, and I hear Him saying He cherishes you with an everlasting love, a love that never fades. It’s not human love, it’s a deep deep love.

Word #2

How many of you can honestly say that you’re trying to stay in perfect peace and satan’s bringing perfect calamity in every which way he can- so what’s that do to you? It draws you closer to God. It draws you closer to the fire and you hold tighter to His hand because if not, you know for a fact that it’s going to take you out.  This is where the Body of Christ is at right now. I am hearing God say we are being tested for the final time. We are being tested for endurance in the storms that are coming. Are you failing the test or are you enduring the test? Only you and God know that.

Word #3

Some of you have a blank page in your Book of Life and that blank page is there because you don’t believe that His Mercy endures forever. Tonight He wants to do a miracle in your life and He wants you to be able to start trusting Him and believing in him, knowing that His mercy does endure forever, and if God has called you, then God will keep you.

Some of you God has called to do certain things and and you’re afraid to step out because you don’t have the means to do it. Then you’re not standing on the promises of God. When God told me to start this church, I had absolutely nothing and God said just take a step of faith and I’ll be there with you and everything God’s ever told me about this church has come to pass, and he’s always been with me leading, guiding, and directing me.

How many of you in here tonight, you don’t really believe that God’s mercies endure forever and that you have slipped and fallen and have stayed down. You have not gotten back up to complete the assignment because you believe the assignment is going to kill you- and it will. It will kill every inch of flesh that you have, but you won’t die physically. The altar is open for an anointing to receive from God a blessing that will cause you to continue to go on and cause you to remember constantly that God’s mercies are fresh every morning, and when you go to bed at night and ask God to forgive you, then you’ll be assured that when you get up in the morning that you’re forgiven and it’s a brand new day, brand new life, and all you have to do is walk in His promises.

Word #4

Some of you in here, you’ve judged, and you’ve judged, and you’ve judged and you’ve judged so wrongly.  You are part of the sin, but you can’t see that you’re part of the sin, all that you can see is the other. God wants you to repent of that right now. He wants you to ask Him to let you see people through His eyes and not through your own perception.

And I’m just hearing God say: “Sons and daughters, stand tall and stand firm, in this new revelation knowledge that I’m given you this night. This new anointing of peace will never allow the enemy any place in you ever again.”

Word #5

Many many times children I come into your bedrooms and I stand and I weep with you. I know how hard the battle is. I know how the enemy roars, but if you would just believe My Word. That’s all he does, he just roars, walks around seeing who he can devour when he knows he can’t devour anyone unless you give him permission. This night, walk in the strength of the Heavenly realm. Walk in My wisdom and in My grace and understand that the enemy cannot prevail. He has been stripped and he has been sentenced . You go forth and you complete the assignment that I’ve sent you on.

Word #6

Deep truly is calling unto deep. God’s love never fails and He’s saying His mercies endure forever. Receive from Him tonight. Don’t go back into the pit of despair. Don’t go back into the pit of self pity. Stay on the mountaintop. Stay on the mountaintop. Hold His hand and go forth.

Word # 7

My children, please receive My Love tonight. Some of you cannot receive that love. Why? It’s because you know that you have not loved others as you should have. Is it because that you became judgemental, and you cannot walk in peace? I am weeping tonight and I am saying please receive My love. My love transcends anything else and all others. Please receive it right now. It is My love, it’s My fire.