Prophetic Word – Sis. Teresa R. Michieli

Prophetic Word – Sis. Teresa R. Michieli

***Prophetic Word through Teresa R Michieli July 6, 2021***

This is a personal word to God’s people.  Please take it into your heart as personally to you as God has requested through me. All glory be unto the ONE, TRUE GOD who reigns over Heaven and Earth.

The rivers of My life are flowing over this nation ,says the Lord God Almighty. Receive My love. Receive My grace. Let not one minute pass in your life that you are not guided by My Spirit.

Prepare ye the way the Lord says. Prepare ye the way, for the Gracious King is coming. Prepare ye the way for I have called My Chosen to rise up this hour to speak the truth, to pull down strongholds and to release the glory that I have poured over their lives into this nation.

You carry My glory, you who have said, “yes Lord I am available to go forth and do your will.”

You are chosen to serve Me, My child in this hour when all things seem to be going in the opposite direction.  I the Lord thy God have anchored My will upon this earth and My will shall prevail saith the Lord God Almighty.

You were chosen to serve Me with all your heart, with all your soul and with all that is within you. Your very breath I have given you from My nostrils. You carry the Breath of God.

Lean not to your own understanding but believe in Me, for I have prepared the way before you were in your mother’s womb. You are chosen because I chose you. You did not choose Me. I gave you free will and you have taken that free will and decided to walk with Me.

This day I declare, the freedom of the United States of America is in the hands of My people. You shall go forth in strength and might as My Spirit goes before you and clears the path. You will know with all assurance that I have called you to the forefront ; That I have called you to serve a nation under God.

You cannot do this alone, says the Lord God Almighty, for I your God has chosen you for this hour not only to go forth in power and might of My Spirit but to cry out the victory ahead of the battle, says the Lord God Almighty.

You will dance and you will celebrate because the victory has been won.  Do this in remembrance of what a MIGHTY GOD you serve. You will not be alone for there are many on the forefront who are coming forth marching like soldiers lifting up their sword of the spirit and pulling down the strongholds that have come against My people, and this nation.

The enemy will not prevail any longer. For his days are numbered and the numbers are getting less and less.

Remember who you are, the CHOSEN of the LORD, the CHOSEN of GOD ALMIGHTY Who has called you forth even before you were in your mothers womb. I’ve prepared you to serve Me, your Lord, God Almighty.

Remember and rejoice, for this is the day that your Lord has made and you shall rejoice and be glad in it.

Go forth in the victory, saith your Lord God Almighty!
***Prophetic Word through Teresa R Michieli July 6, 2021***