Receive A Supernatural Spiritual Eye Surgery

Receive A Supernatural Spiritual Eye Surgery

My children, today, I want you to get prepared to receive a supernatural spiritual eye surgery. My children, the eyes are very important and have been neglected in keeping pure and holy. I want today to be a day that you allow yourself to become prepared and get prepped for the surgery that I want to do for you and to you. I want you to come into the understanding of how important your eyes are and how much they affect many things that you do. I want you to really allow this to sink in and allow yourself to come to a full understanding. What starts most of your thoughts and your temptations? The answer is simple, it is by something that you have seen. This is one of the reasons why I have been trying to train you to not walk by sight, but by My word. The enemy will paint a pretty picture to get you to go the opposite way than you are to go. Have you not noticed that once you get something that you have desired that is not of Me that the satisfaction really is not there the way you thought? Have you not noticed that more trouble comes from the things that you have allowed your eyes to see and take part in?

I want you to get yourself prepared to not allow these things to happen any longer. The things of this world will cause you to go blinded in My ways and away from Me. You will become destroyed if you allow your eyes to tell you what to believe. You will lose hope and start to doubt Me and the things that I tell you. Your faith will wilt and become weakened. You cannot let the naked eye be the one that shows you things. It is time to become retrained in this area and only see through supernatural spiritual eyes that I want to give you.

As in life, the naked eye does not allow you to see all the things that are going on. If you were to see all that was going on around you, you would not be able to function or to survive. Through your eyes how many germs do you see? How many molecules do you see in the air? You know that they are there and you may not understand their function, but you still trust that they are there and doing whatever it is that they do. You do not question it and very few actually understand it, but it doesn’t change the fact that they are there doing their job. You know that there are things that are harmful around you and you do whatever you can to prevent from the bad things from affecting you. This does not mean it will not have an effect on you, but it will not be as bad or harsh if you were to neglect the issues or to refuse to prevent from these things from happening. You cannot ignore the things that you cannot see, simple because you don’t see them. It is the same way with Me and in the spiritual realm. You need to have this trust and faith knowing that you are not going to see all the things around you, but you must know that everything is working out and doing the jobs that they are to be doing. You must be willing to do whatever it takes to prevent and learn how to stop anything that could be harmful in your daily walk with Me.

It is time to that I am going to start magnifying your eyes to see some of these unseen things around you so that you can be more aware of what is really going on. You will need to know these things so that you can fight and be able to continue to walk in the things that I have given you to walk in. The battles are changing, and it will take this new eye sight that I am going to give you to be able to fight them. Things are going to get very deceiving and very convincing to the natural eye to go the wrong way. This is why it is so necessary to get yourself prepared for this surgery that I want to do for you and to you.

To get prepared for this surgery, you must allow Me to show you the importance and give you the understanding of why this surgery needs to be done. You must be willing to see the truth how it is and not how the world wants you to perceive it. You are going to have to accept the reality and truth of how life really is and not what you have allowed your natural eyes to tell you it is. You are going to have to see people how I want you to see them and not by what you see for yourself. You are going to have to see things the way that I see them.
You are going to have to get yourself prepared to see some of the most difficult things than you could ever imagine. You are going to have to trust that what I show you is the truth and not allow doubt to set in. I am doing a new thing and starting many new beginnings and with these new beginnings you will need this eye surgery that I want to give you.

I want to give you many new dreams, new visions, new and higher understanding and wisdom and knowledge, new and deeper sight into seeing the things around you, and a new way to see and understand those around you. The only way I can do this is if you are preparing yourself and are willing to go all the way with Me. You must be completely willing to let Me do this surgery on you.

Get before My face today. Let Me show you personally what you have to do to prepare yourself individually to accept this new eye sight that I want to give you. You are going to have to get your heart straight and your mindset erased and be really ready for all these changes to take place inside of you. The truth at times will hurt and be alarming, but you need to know the truth to be able to walk in freedom and in the protection of Me.
Get before Me today and listen to Me and allow Me to show you and prepare you for this great change that I want to do. Get prepared for this is something that I need to do for you to get you where I need you. Give Me your eyes and let Me do this for you.