Special Word

Special Word

Write these words for ears to hear.  My coming Glory will not be for everyone.  You see not all abide in Me.  If those that want Me will only come to Me with a humble heart they will see My Glory.  For I want to give it to all My children but not all will come to Me; for they love and lust after this life.
Pick up your cross and follow Me.

Be it so that the kingdom of God is all around you.  Whoever believes in Me shall have life everlasting. Have an watchful eye and be on guard.  There will be signs in the heavens.  I have warned for some time about the days of darkness.  They will surely pass and give way for My coming Glory.
It is of most importance to cleanse yourself before Me.  I remove the ungodly.  Keep it known of My works.  For My children must be cleansed before Me.  There is a great need for purging.

Write these words for ear to hear.  I the Lord thy God come to you this day for restoration on the lives of My beloved.  I know each one of you by your heavenly name.  For you see I have given them to you.  You are Mine.  You have come thus far because I have brought you here.  The days ahead will become darker.  You are not under no spell or power from Me.  Your spirit flows to Me freely for My love runneth deep in you.  Keep Me close for the evil one tries to invade what is Mine.

For I the Lord thy God sing to you beautiful hymns.  Lift up your heart for I know all.  I am here with you.  Be it may you have everlasting love from Me.  I truly love My children.   Write these words for ears to hear.  I AM your father the Most High God.  Be warned this day of the coming days of darkness; they will take many by surprise.   Do not be caught up in this world that you miss Me.
My children will know their parts to play for I am placing it upon you and in you.  There will be so much fear and anxiety upon the earth.  You have to stay in tune to Me and know I will be directing you from all corners of the earth.

Be it so you dwell in the presence of your Father the Most High God.  I give you these words to share.
So be it may that the sun, moon and stars will go dark.  Your heavens will be as sackcloth before the coming of the Son of man.  You shall have My coming Glory before you.  Will you be ready?  Will you hear My voice or will you cry to the Father looking for yours.

For the Lord thy God makes way for you.  Be it known to Me you are the true sons of God.  I want to tell you so much if you would come sit at My feet.  Heaven awaits you all.
Stay under the shadow of the Almighty.  The time will come for those to choose.

-Julie Betz