Special Word – December 16, 2019

Special Word – December 16, 2019

Prophecy through Rev. Aaron Betz

Encouragement, My Children.

I have dropped so many things off for you in My spirit realm. I am here too, waiting. Where is your heart at? Am I even in it?

Surely I tell you that devastation is soon coming upon this land. I am willing to equip you with all good things that come from My Heavenlies. Oh, how you need these things.

Think twice children with how you are treating each other. Did you know that what you do not only affects you but your brother and sister?

What am I saying? You can either help bring down the blessings of others or you can get in the way. I have watched how My beloved vessels have been waiting on Me but others around about them that should be for them are actually against them- blocking blessings.

I can no longer let this happen. I have wooed so many times. I have taught so many lessons of instruction with how you should be and what you need to be doing. The lack of diligence on your parts have left you wanting.

Where are you?

The action of giving someone support, confidence, or hope; persuasion to do or to continue something

James 1: 17 [NIV]

17 Very good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows