'prayer' Tagged Posts (Page 2)

'prayer' Tagged Posts (Page 2)

“Fall”ing In Love

The season has changed. Fall is among us and it is time to put away the summer clothes and bring out the cooler weather attire. The time for hot chocolate, raking leaves, and taking a walk to see the change of the color of everything around us has come. Even with the Covid-19 being here and how it has forced many changes in our lives, it is still the perfect season to not…

When You Have Nothing To Say

Sometimes when you go into prayer for your spouse and loved ones, you really don’t know what to say. So much may be going on in your week that you are just not sure where to begin. This is ok. It is in this time that you need to really trust that God knows. Clear yourself from every thought that floods your mind. Clear yourself from the enemy’s lies that you have failed…

In Prayer – Praise God For Your Spouse

Prayer is a conversation between you and God. It has multiple purposes and positions but all in all it really is communicating with God. An important part of praying for anyone or anything is praising God and bringing down God’s presence and opening up the window of Heaven. Too many times we focus on all the things that are wrong, not going right, absent from our lives,…