The Nativity – Sis. Teresa Michieli

The Nativity – Sis. Teresa Michieli

The Nativity

Have you taken the time to reflect on the meaning of the nativity scene? The whole story of the nativity scene reflects so much more than seeing Jesus in a Manger. As I looked at it this morning, I saw so much more. Only God knows what Mary felt when the angel of the Lord came to her saying she was highly favored of the Lord. She was chosen by God to bear his son, her Savior. “Let it be to me according to your word” was Mary’s answer to the angel. Did Joseph understand? He did after an angel appeared to him in a dream confirming Mary would bear the Son of God.

Have you thought of how Mary would’ve felt knowing she was carrying the Son of God? Not only that, she knew her Son would die for all mankind including herself. The mother pondering on this miraculous miracle of God taking place in her body. I imagine she pondered every day, of her little boy’s future and what it held.

Then came Jesus as a baby boy. God Himself in the flesh as a small infant, developing in the womb of a woman. God’s plan was so much more then what our minds could conceive. He planned this act of love so that mankind would be set free from death. Satan would no longer be in charge of the fate of man. Satan stole it from Adam and eve and God was on a commission to save His creation, mankind, from the final death in hell. He would not let go of mankind He so loved.

We don’t know that much about Jesus’ childhood. We do know by scripture, He grew in great wisdom of who God was to Him, His Father. He taught in the synagogue and when the time was right, He did many miracles, preached, healed and delivered all who came to Him. Even before then, Jesus knew His destiny. He would die a hard, suffering death, not only in the physical but in the spiritual as He bore all our sins.

He would be the final sacrifice. His shed blood for all mankind would be placed on the altar in the Holy of Holies in Heaven. When Jesus said, “it is finished”, He meant the sacrifice is complete. No more would there be any more sacrifices made for the sins of mankind. Jesus did it all. He was in His mother’s womb, the Savior of the world. Today, He remains the Savior of the world forever.

Jesus sacrificed His life for you. He took all your sins and bore them on the cross that you would be able to enter into Heaven when you leave this earth. The gift is free to you but it cost Jesus so much more than you could ever realize. Only God, Holy Spirit and Jesus know all that happened on that cross on Calvary.

This Christmas as you reflect on what is important to you, remember Jesus as your sacrifice, your Savior. Thank Him for all that He did before the cross, on the cross and after the cross. If you accept His free gift of salvation, Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you will see Him face-to-face when you leave this earth and be able to thank Him personally. Just as Mary looked at her baby boy gave to face knowing He was her Savior to be. As you look at the Nativity this Christmas remember it portrays the birth of your Savior. A tiny Savior laying in a manager.

Have a very blessed Christmas and remember Jesus, your Savior loves you.

Teresa R. Michieli
Outpouring Ministries