You Were Warned Now Meet My Wrath

You Were Warned Now Meet My Wrath

Toy with My children; you are toying with My wrath. Woe to those who are coming against My Chosen Ones. This is not a fight that you are prepared for, I promise you this.

Many bad decisions and choices have been made even after My continuous warnings and wooing. I have spoken what is to take place and yet you still ignored Me. You still proceeded to do your own thing.

What is about to happen will cause you to think twice but it will be too late. You will see that you are over your head and not equipped to take on this battle that the enemy has coaxed you to pick with My children. It is too late. You will be locked into the consequences of your decisions.

Those who are deliberately strategizing against My faithful children shall pay a dear price. I will not have any of My sheep slaughtered under the hand of evil. Those who have made the decisions to come against My faithful children , you shall meet My Wrath.

You shall see that I am the One and True God. I take care of My Own. Your knees will bow and defeat will be yours. I am pulling the plug on your evil games and you will be exposed for all that you have been doing. My truth will prevail and those who have had to suffer will suffer no more. But they will be blessed and shall lunge forward into all that I have promised they will do.

Is this harsh? I think not. If you would spend as much time in My Word as you have to come against My precious ones and about your own agendas, you would see the enemy does not win. This is still touched by My mercy that I do not destroy you with the fullness of My Wrath. This is only the beginning. What you choose to learn from this judgment will be up to you and how much of My Wrath you will receive.

Choose wisely to repent and turn from the ways of the wicked. Repent for the things you have done against My chosen faithful ones and the consequences will not last long. But continue to go down this path and destruction will take place and all will be exposed, revealed, and My children will shine for Me and you will not be able to stop them.

Come out of this delusion and allow My Truth to set you free as you go through the valley of My Wrath. This is your last chance. This is the last time I am giving you this opportunity to change. Turn and repent or be lost forever in the torment of the enemy.