Fresh Word – January 24, 2021 (#5)

Fresh Word – January 24, 2021 (#5)

Prophetic word from the Sunday evening teaching Stalemate

God spoke and said we were in a stalemate.

Stalemate is a situation in the game of chess where the player whose turn it is to move is not in checkmate but has no legal move.

The rules of chess provide that when stalemate occurs, the game ends as a draw.

During the endgame – stalemate is a resource that can enable the player with the inferior position to draw the game rather than lose.

In more complex positions, stalemate is much rarer, usually taking the form of a swindle that succeeds only if the superior side is inattentive.

Any position or situation in which no action can be taken or progress made; deadlock:

Stalemate happens when the player who has to move has no {legal} moves available the game then ends immediately in a tie, and each player is awarded half a point.

Children everything around about you is in stalemate.  You must from this point on watch every move you make.  The enemy is playing his moves very wisely.  The stakes are high and the enemy is watching every move very skillfully.

The reason this chess game has come to this point is because My children were not watchful and they allowed the enemy to take their eyes off of the rules of the game.  They thought they had the game under control.

What does My Word tell you about the enemy?   

The reason we are at a stalemate children is because you have transgressed against some of My covenants and now you are trying to figure out your next move. 

Because of your transgressions the enemy has legal right to you – you are in this stalemate position – any position or situation in which no action can be taken or progress made; {deadlock:}

The enemy really believes this is a {deadlock} position; but I am now in the game and I am making the next move.

In this next move you cannot in any ways make any uncalculated moves.

You must only move when I say move; for the enemy is slick and he knows that My people are gullible and will move just because they think it is the neat thing to do.

Children you need to be constantly on the alert, so you do not get caught in the cross hairs of the enemy, nor a stalemate nor a deadlock.

The future is bright before you warriors of the most high God.  You have won the chess game, the stalemate/deadlock is over and all I have in My Kingdom is yours.

You know the wiles of the enemy and you are aware of what your walk with Me is all about.  It is all about destroying the works of the evil one.  It is about bringing in the harvest of lost souls.  It is all about being the head and not the tail.

Children take the punches the enemy throws your way and defeat him at every turn.

Right now, the warfare has intensified and you must at all cost keep your head above water.  Secure yourselves in Me and stay there.  It does not matter what the circumstances look like, stay in the safety of My extended arms – that I have extended out to you.

You all know the enemy is a liar and he has no truth in him.  Look at your country.  It is being torn to ribbons by lies and deception on all sides.  The enemy surely came in like a flood and because My people were not fully alert at what was going on around about them, the enemy won.

It is just a temporary victory, but he is making the most of his time.  He knows this charade is coming to an end, but he is making the most of it.

He has infiltrated the church like never before.  The church must man up and kick him back out.  The church has all the weapons they need to accomplish the tasks at hand.

{If} the church can’t accomplish this task, then how can they bring in the harvest that is saturated with demons?

You have the biggest weapon to accomplish this task and that weapon is the shed blood of My Son Jesus.  You have all power and authority to destroy the enemy’s works.

Children you must understand that the enemy plays for keeps and he doesn’t care how he wins.

It is time to announce {checkmate} to the opponent {Satan} and move on to bigger things {the Great Harvest}.