Overflow Words – January 24, 2021 (#2)

Overflow Words – January 24, 2021 (#2)

Prophecies that occurred in the Sunday evening Worship Service Stalemate.

Word #1

I am with you until the end of the ages. I am with you tonight. You are walking in Holy Ground. You need to understand that your feet are shod with the Gospel of Peace. You need to know that you are going to take My Love to a broken generation. The hills and the valleys will be laid low, but you My children you shall soar to the mountain tops and you will do a great and a mighty works for the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.

It has been a rough hard journey thus far, but I promise you this: even though you are going into deeper warfare than ever, you will go into it with rejoicing on your lips and this warfare will not touch you because I am keeping you safe in My Everlasting Arms. I have spoken so many promises over your lives and I want to bring each and every one of them to pass. Now is the time for you to forge forward and do My complete will. Now is the time for you to determine in your heart of hearts that nothing will sway you. The enemy is all around about but he cannot touch you.

I told you that the church was going to go through the Job experience and they have, and I also told you that it was finished and it is. Now I need you to take My hand more securely than ever before because we are on a brand new journey you and I. We are going to tear down the mountains that are keeping the people in bondage. We are going to open prison doors and they are going to walk out rejoicing. Remember the story of Peter. He was in the prison cells and the people prayed and prayed and I caused an earthquake to open up the doors and he walked free- and this is what you are going to do, My people. You’re going to be praising Me and worshipping Me 24/7 and it will cause a big earthquake in the Heavenly Realm and the prison doors will be opened and the prisoners will be set free.

I wait for your rejoicing. I wait for your praise and when I see that you have both perfected, then I work on your behalf; but you are going to have to learn to praise Me in the midst of the storm. You are going to have to learn to rejoice when there is no reason to rejoice. It is at that point that the Angelic Army is sent forth to do your battles for you. You truly are in a new era. You are in a new dispensation of time and you truly are being sent forth to do a great and mighty work of tearing down the kingdom of darkness.

Now I tell you this, all hell is on alert. The enemy is having his fits day in and day out. He is mad at the demonic forces that are under him because they are not doing their work. They have not been able to destroy any of you sitting in here this night and the enemy is mad. But I tell you this: he cannot touch you. I want you to go forth undaunted by the cares of this world. I want you to go forth dressed in your royal robes and I want you to defeat the enemy at every turn. How do you do this? You do it by praise and worship. You do it by worshipping Me with all of your being not just your lips. You do this by dancing on the enemy’s head, and as you do this criteria you will see the enemy no more. There is a time, there is a season when he has to flee and this is the time and this is the season. You cannot be fighting a war and winning souls. The Angelic hosts will fight your battles for you but you must always remember that you are in spiritual warfare and that the enemy is furious.

Come forward this night. Rejoice in Me. I’ve come little ones and I’m not leaving. I gave My servant a promise that when I started I would continue on and I’m keeping that promise. Whether you want Me or not, I’m here ; and those who do want Me are going to receive all that I have for their lives. Those of you who want to just sit by and idly watch, you can do that but that’s all you’ll have. You won’t have all the blessings of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. I have spoken and so shall it come to pass.

Word #2

I know why God called me to do what I’m doing because I am dogmatic but I also have love for the people too and I’m not going to sit by and watch the enemy take you down to hell with him. I have to be strong at all times. I can’t relax at any given time when it comes to spiritual things.

We have to be on alert. We are the watchmen on the wall are we not? We are watching over these lost souls so that Satan doesn’t take them out. Tonight, you’re free. Are you going to stay free? Are you really going to stay free and go forth, I’m hearing God say undaunted to do the thing He’s called you forth to do?

Word #3

It’s up to us if we retain what we receive from God or we lose it. You know, we’re going to walk in sorrow that’s just it. But we walk in sorrow with the joy of the Lord in us. Jesus was a man of sorrow was He not? But He was out there dancing and carrying on with the kids and everything else; He didn’t go somewhere and sulk in a corner. He did the work He had to do. We need to do the same thing we can’t go sulking in a corner every time Satan comes our way and throws a thing in our path that makes us trip. We have to get back up again and we have to keep moving on. We are not perfected yet and we’re all going to make mistakes but that doesn’t mean we have to let those mistakes keep us down.

I’m hearing God say some of you are crushed and broken from within and it’s going to take a little bit of time to heal unless He performs a miracle and heals you in a wink of an eye.

Word #4

How many of you really believe God tonight and really trust Him that He did come and He is in the chess game and the chess game is over? If you really believe that, God wants you to come forth tonight because He is going to undergird you with steel that the enemy cannot penetrate. The enemy can break rock, but he can’t penetrate steel. So God is fortifying your feet tonight.

He’s strengthening your legs so that you can go forth and do the mighty works that He’s calling you forth to do.