'communication' Tagged Posts

'communication' Tagged Posts

Are You Comprehending Your Spouse?

Communication has been a huge topic for many years as an important factor into keeping your marriage strong and healthy. I am a firm believer that communication is important and a vital part to marriage. Without communication, a marriage can be destroyed very quickly. As I have been reflecting on my own marriage, an observation has been made. My husband and I don’t have a…

“Fall”ing In Love

The season has changed. Fall is among us and it is time to put away the summer clothes and bring out the cooler weather attire. The time for hot chocolate, raking leaves, and taking a walk to see the change of the color of everything around us has come. Even with the Covid-19 being here and how it has forced many changes in our lives, it is still the perfect season to not…

Let God Do The Fixing

Does it feel that sometimes, your spouse is not on the same page as you and maybe you feel a little slated or frustrated? It is hard to work with someone when unity may seem to be disrupted and things seem not quite like they should be. Actions and attitudes seems to come and go and the atmosphere can shift pretty quickly. This can be very hard to handle at times,…

Let God Do The Fixing

Does it feel that sometimes, your spouse is not on the same page as you and maybe you feel a little slated or frustrated? It is hard to work with someone when unity may seem to be disrupted and things seem not quite like they should be. Actions and attitudes seems to come and go and the atmosphere can shift pretty quickly. This can be very hard to handle at times,…

Let God Do The Fixing

Does it feel that sometimes, your spouse is not on the same page as you and maybe you feel a little slated or frustrated? It is hard to work with someone when unity may seem to be disrupted and things seem not quite like they should be. Actions and attitudes seems to come and go and the atmosphere can shift pretty quickly. This can be very hard to handle at times,…

Let God Do The Fixing

Does it feel that sometimes, your spouse is not on the same page as you and maybe you feel a little slated or frustrated? It is hard to work with someone when unity may seem to be disrupted and things seem not quite like they should be. Actions and attitudes seems to come and go and the atmosphere can shift pretty quickly. This can be very hard to handle at times,…